Upload the Blank Invoice Number

If you have invoice numbers obtained through the e-invoice, you can also use the e-invoice to upload the blank invoice numbers.








"Items": [{














* HeadBan: Tax number of head office (Must be e-Invoice customer)

* BranchBan: Tax number of branch office(Must be e-Invoice customer) Note: No division is the same as the head office

* InvoiceType: 07:General tax rate electronic invoice 08:Special tax rate electronic invoice

* YearMonth: Invoice period: the year of Republic of China+Even months yyyMM; E.g 10608 Said 106 year 07-08 Current period

* InvoiceTrack: the track of invoice

* Items: Blank invoice number group (In the same period and the same track can be multiple blank numbers.)

* InvoiceBeginNo: Blank number interval start number

* InvoiceEndNo: Blank number interval end number (If the single number is the same as the blank number interval start number)


If the branch company to be uploaded by the head office on behalf of the blank invoice must apply (the application for the tax platform).

### Return value




"HeadBan": "12345678",

"BranchBan": "12345678",

"InvoiceType": "07",

"YearMonth": "10706",

"InvoiceTrack": "AA",

"Items": [


    "InvoiceBeginNo": "12340005",

    "InvoiceEndNo": "12340003",

    "Message": "發票迄號必須大於或等於起號",

    "Status": "E"



    "InvoiceBeginNo": "12340002",

    "InvoiceEndNo": "12340003",

    "Message": "空白發票新增失敗,請確認是否有輸入相同區間",

    "Status": "E"



    "InvoiceBeginNo": "12340002",

    "InvoiceEndNo": "12340003",

    "Message": "空白發票新增成功",

    "Status": "C"





Last updated